40 Powerful Post-webinar Survey Questions to Ask Your Audience
There’s more to hosting a webinar than engaging your audience. You need to make sure they’re relevant and contain information that viewers can readily absorb.
You can gauge your success in that endeavor with a survey. Post-webinar surveys give you invaluable information about your prospects, their desires, and their pain points. You can then immediately apply the attendee feedback you gather to improve online events.
However, the quality of responses you receive is dependent on you asking the right questions. The post-webinar survey questions you ask event attendees must leave room for thorough responses so you can learn from them. The point is to synthesize those insights to build top-notch webinars and refine your marketing strategy to drive more conversions. These large achievements require you to hone in on the finer details, and this article will help you do just that.

Why Create a Webinar Feedback Survey?
You already run polls and live events during your virtual events, and your registrants show up, so why the need to send a survey when a webinar ends? Post-event questionnaires are (usually) anonymous and completed solo, and that privacy makes viewers feel more comfortable providing their honest opinions. Their thoughts bring several benefits, which we’ve broken down below.
Understand Your Audience
If you want to understand your audience, ask how you can improve and become more appealing to them. You may think you know your target demographic well, but you gain rich insights into what your audience wants when you review your webinar analytics and directly ask them how you can better serve them.
This entails more than understanding what they want and what their pain points are. It requires you to relate to them in a way that fosters a genuine connection.
Improve Webinar Quality
Your webinar attendees can greatly help you improve the quality of your events. Asking the right post-webinar survey questions will reveal exactly where you fall short and how you can improve your content, presentation, and pre- and post-event communications. This leads to higher audience attendance and stronger organic conversions for automated webinars as well as live and on-demand events.
Types of Webinar Surveys
There are three main ways to conduct a survey: telephone, paper, and online. Since the majority of people use the Internet, online surveys have become increasingly popular. Going paperless is also environmentally friendly, and it takes less manpower to design one survey template to customize and send en masse than it does to make individual calls.
Besides different methods of administration, surveys also feature a range of types to hone in on various aspects of the attendee experience.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
The customer satisfaction survey is one of the most common and useful types. As the name suggests, its goal is to obtain a deeper understanding of how customers feel about a particular product, service, or business activity.
These questionnaires gather customers’ opinions about your business. You can then leverage that information to make improvements and support high customer retention.
Format, Content, and Speakers Feedback Survey
The format, content, and speakers feedback survey deals with your webinar presentation. It asks audiences how they would rate the format (how-to, Q&A, panelist discussion, etc.) of your virtual event, the content covered, and even the speakers you choose and their presentation skills.
This style of questionnaire allows you to see if your attendees would prefer a different format or method of delivery, or if you’re already on the correct track. Unlike an overall satisfaction survey, this kind targets specific key elements of your webinars so you can fine-tune future deliveries for a more positive response.
General Conference, Event, and Webinar Survey
While many survey types focus on products, this format hones in on events. A webinar and conference form measures how well (or poorly) attendees received an event. This gives the organizers important feedback about what elements audiences particularly liked and disliked.
When organizing networking events, it’s imperative to ensure attendees are satisfied with the overall experience, so their feedback is invaluable. Further, showing you care about their constructive feedback by implementing their suggestions is an excellent strategy to keep people coming back for more of your content.
Product and Marketing Survey
The purpose of a product and marketing survey is to determine your target audience’s wants and needs and to learn how best to reach out to more potential customers.
The data gathered from this questionnaire will help your business craft more effective marketing campaigns to increase sales. The goal is to connect with your target segment and find out what you can do to engage your audience further.
Webinar Survey Questions
Not sure what your post-webinar survey questions should ask? Here are some suggestions to get you started. By adapting and incorporating the following questions into your post-event follow-up, you’ll be able to customize your webinars to enhance the user experience and move viewers down your sales funnel.
Choose the questions that best fit your webinar format, content, and goals, or simply use them as an overall guideline for improving your webinar survey questions overall.

Customer Satisfaction Survey Questions
- On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how satisfied are you with your most recent webinar experience? Why did you give this rating?
(Asking for an explanation gives you greater insight into the reasoning behind the rating.)
- What can we do to improve your rating?
(This gives you actionable advice to improve audience satisfaction scores.)
- What was your favorite part of the webinar?
(Leave this open to gain an informative answer.)
- What was your least favorite part of the webinar?
(Leave this open-ended to gain an informative answer.)
- Does webinar length affect your enjoyment of the webinar? Why or why not?
(A detailed answer lets you know if the overall webinar length was a deterrent or strength.)
- Was the webinar topic what you expected? Explain your answer.
(This tells you if you properly marketed your webinar or where you can improve titles and ads.)
- Will you attend the next webinar? Why or why not?
(This tells you how promising of a lead the prospect is.)
- What would you like to see included in our next webinar?
(This gives you ideas for what to include in future events; if desired, give a poll or suggested ideas to choose from)
- Are you more or less likely to visit our website/social media pages/blog as a result of your most recent webinar experience? Why or why not?
(This tells you if your webinars are driving audience interest.)
- Did you learn something new from the most recent webinar? If so, what was it? If not, explain what you had hoped to learn.
(This helps you understand how informative/interesting your webinars are, and gives you insight as to how to include other content from an audience’s POV.)
You can also include demographic questions in your overall satisfaction survey.
Format, Content, and Speakers Feedback Questions
- Did the webinar speaker influence your decision to attend this event?
(You want to know if the speaker you choose draws in a crowd.)
- Did you enjoy the way the webinar was presented? Why or why not?
(Your audience will let you know what format they prefer.)
- On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest and 1 being the lowest, how would you rate the speaker of the webinar?
(A rating scale can be averaged after all surveys are completed to give you an idea of how well the speaker resonated with the audience.)
- What was your favorite topic covered and why?
(This reveals what your audience most enjoyed.)
- What topic not covered today would you like to see discussed in the future?
(Offer a multiple-choice option of topics you’re likely to cover in the future.)
- What was the main takeaway for you?
(This shows if your webinar hit home.)
- Was the content covered a determining factor in why you attended? Please explain.
(Learn if your topics are driving traffic, and if not, what is.)
- Was the speaker knowledgeable and engaging?
(This uncovers if your speaker resonated with the audience.)
- What speaker would you recommend for future webinars?
(Gather suggestions from your audience.)
- Was the content delivered in a timely fashion?
(In other words, was your webinar too long, rushed, dragged out, etc.?)

General Webinar Survey Questions
- How many webinars have you attended before, including this one?
(Learn how experienced your audience is in viewing webinars.)
- How long do you feel a webinar should be to remain relevant?
(Suggested durations help you keep webinars at an engaging length.)
- How many of our webinars have you attended?
(Estimates how many warm leads make up your audience)
- What type of webinar do you enjoy most?
(Offer a multiple-choice format suggestion.)
- What is your favorite thing about webinars?
(Are your webinars hitting these satisfaction points?)
- What is your least favorite thing about webinars?
(So you learn what to avoid in your own webinars)
- What interactive features do you use in webinars?
(Learn if your audience uses chat, surveys, polls, etc., and what other elements you should incorporate)
- What has been the most memorable webinar you’ve attended to date?
(If it’s not yours, you’ll have a webinar to refer to for guidance.)
- What made you attend this webinar today?
(This hones in on the driving factor for each audience member)
- Do you prefer live, automated, or on-demand webinars?
(Learn how to best leverage your webinar content.)

Product and Marketing Questions
- What did you hope to gain from this webinar? Did you realize that goal?
(I.e., Did your webinar respond to your audience’s pain points?)
- How did you find out about our webinar?
(This tells you if your marketing efforts are working well)
- What products or services would you like to see covered more in the next webinar?
(Learn which products appeal most to audiences.)
- Were the brand, products, services, and related discussions explained thoroughly?
(Did your audience learn something new about your brand?)
- Did this webinar influence your buying decisions?
(This tells you how likely your webinars are to result in a sale)
- What promotions and/or freebies did you enjoy most?
(Discover what webinar CTAs and incentives work best for your attendees)
- How likely is a webinar to influence your buying choices in the future?
(This tells you if webinars are productive marketing tactics for driving sales)
- Was the registration process easy?
(That is, is your sign-up process a barrier to attending?)
- Care to share a referral to our next webinar?
(Referrals yield potential leads.)
- Will you attend our next webinar? What incentive would most influence your decision?
(Show multiple-choice CTA incentives.)
How to Create a Webinar Survey
Creating a survey from scratch doesn’t have to be difficult. If you take the right steps, you can reduce the stress of developing quality questionnaires while still ensuring you capture accurate and useful data from attendees.
Decide How to Conduct Your Survey
Before crafting your survey, consider the best way to engage with your target audience. Decide if a paper form, online form, or telephone questionnaire is the most appropriate way to reach out to your customers.
If you’re dealing with older customers, a telephone survey might be the best option. However, you also need to take into account the products, services, or events your business offers and tailor your engagement strategy to fit those.
For example, if you host webinars, your users are obviously tech-savvy and comfortable operating online, so a digital survey would likely earn the best response rate.
Selecting a delivery format that’s most convenient for your audience not only shows you’re aware of their needs but also increases the chances of them completing it.
Know the Purpose of Your Webinar Survey
To construct a useful survey, you need to decide what information you want to gather and why you’re conducting the survey in the first place.
Do you want to know what went right or wrong with your session, or learn what people want from a future webinar?
Important information to gather includes:
- Attendee names and contact information
- What was successful
- What could be improved
- Any major suggestions for improvement
- Attendee opinions about the webinar
Make It Easy for Yourself
One of the main obstacles of building a post-event survey isn’t the content but the design. Online surveys are arguably the most convenient way to connect with your target audience, but they’re also the trickiest to produce.
Many people assume they need to know how to code to create a digital form. However, this is no longer the case: There are a variety of survey makers online, including SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Jotform, and Zoho Survey, that handle the hard work and leave the important segments to you, such as inserting relevant questions.
So, instead of worrying about learning a programming code or having to hire someone, keep it simple and use an online builder.
How to Gain the Most From a Webinar Survey
After all the work put into its development, you want to make sure your survey provides a worthwhile return. Remember, the aim of your survey is to encourage participants to give you insightful answers.
Tailor the questions to the information you want to gather, such as:
- Insights for Improvement: Learn how you can improve your webinars based on audience feedback and preferences.
- A Deeper Understanding of Your Audience: Delve into your audience and their pain points as a whole so you can create webinars around those findings.
- Growing Your Email List: Discover more about registrants and participants to acquire more leads.
Regardless of the reason for the survey, it’s common practice to collect participants’ names and email addresses, as this will help you follow up with registrants after the webinar (whether or not they attended).
The more responses you receive, the greater the value of your survey, so it needs to be user-friendly to encourage participation. Keep it short and concise to avoid intimidating people as well.
Include a healthy number of close-ended questions. This not only helps the participant make easy choices but also makes the information easier for you to analyze. It’s recommended you leave space for additional comments to give participants the freedom to express their thoughts in full.
To achieve the highest response rate, distribute your post-event survey properly (that is, delivery, format, messing, etc.). Consider the different devices your audience will use to complete it, their experience with and perceived value from the webinar, and the time they’ll have to commit to the questionnaire.
How to Achieve a High Response Rate
The more responses you collect, the more useful feedback you can synthesize tof make your future events successful. To obtain a high response rate, you should focus on a few key aspects:
- Show genuine gratitude and thank people for taking part in the webinar and completing the survey. State that you appreciate their feedback and that it will help improve your service and increase the value of your webinars.
- People are more likely to fill out the form if they know it’s short and won’t take too much of their time.
- What time you send the survey also impacts response rate. If you send a questionnaire prior to the event for attendees to fill out afterward, most will forget about it. To avoid this, consider sending your survey within two hours of the webinar’s conclusion. That way, the event will still be fresh in their minds, and the information you obtain will be more accurate.

Analyzing the Survey Results
How you analyze the answers to your survey will vary by question type. The built-in features of your chosen webinar platform will also influence your analysis.
Open-ended survey questions require the most in-depth analysis because they’re subjective, and the how and why are incredibly useful to marketing teams and product design. Their specificity can also contribute to and guide major changes in your offers.
Questions about the presenter are important as well. If a webinar host elicits too many negative responses, find out why. Some issues can be resolved easily, but ongoing negative feedback necessitates serious changes.
For example, technical issues that make the presenter hard to understand are usually quick fixes. But if people find the presenter themselves irritating or difficult to follow, you may need to bring on someone else to host. Review both quantitative (scale rating and multiple choice questions) and qualitative questions when evaluating your presenters.
The content of the webinar presentation also deserves a closer look. Scale ratings can serve as an indicator of general audience impressions, but you’ll need more focused feedback to improve future webinars and increase attendee satisfaction. Because of the need for a thorough review, the presentation content may take more time to optimize.
No questionnaire is perfect, so expect to tweak your post-event survey questions over time to gather actionable insights. If you receive inconclusive or ambivalent answers, look into why. Perhaps the question was unclear or too leading. Removing bias from questions is one of the hardest tasks when crafting a post-webinar survey, but it’s also crucial to its reliability.
Collecting the honest opinions of past session attendees can make a huge difference in the quality of your future webinars. They provide valuable insights into your events’ successes and shortcomings so you know what to keep and what to change.
Surveys are a simple, cohesive way to gather this information; you can easily send one after every event. If utilized correctly, these questionnaires will help strengthen your webinars so they more consistently achieve the goals you set for them.
Create More Quality Content
Once you know what your target segment wants from a virtual event by asking them powerful webinar survey questions, it’s time to get to work! Demio is a top-rated webinar solution for sales teams that aim to craft quality content that appeals to audiences. With interactive and customizable features to make your webinars stand out, you can have your first successful webinar running within minutes. Get started for free or book a demo today to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions About Webinar Survey Questions
How many webinar survey questions should I ask?
Ask around 10 questions so you don’t overwhelm your audience but still gather enough useful information.
How do I get audiences to fill out webinar survey questions?
Incentives like discounts, promos, sneak peaks, freebies, and invites to exclusive content are excellent options to encourage audiences to fill out webinar surveys.
How do I apply the information from survey responses to my webinars?
Compare audience feedback to identify patterns in responses. Then, you can make specific changes and improvements to your webinars that are the direct result of your respondents’ opinions. That action will both display your regard for your attendees’ thoughts (in turn endearing your brand to them) and help you tailor future presentations to their preferences, which will lead to higher attendance rates, greater engagement, and, ultimately, more conversions.
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