AppSumo's Success Story with Demio
If you’re running an online business, you’ve probably heard of AppSumo. It’s an amazing platform where you can get crazy limited-time lifetime deals on many of your favorite business tools. For the companies offering these tools, it’s a great way to grow their user base and get immediate product feedback. So, everyone comes out a winner.
Six months ago, AppSumo decided to introduce webinars into their mix of marketing channels. If you have used the platform before, you know you can ask questions in comments to any tool’s page and read the description of the offer. But there was no element of live connection to any of it
Establishing a Personal Connection
The AppSumo team knew they needed a way for their partners to establish a personal connection with customers. Now, they are able to share more insights about the tools than you can read about in a marketing copy, talk about best use cases, and answer questions in a live setting.
AppSumo decided to go with webinars in order to personalize the buying process. Now, customers and prospects can put a face to the solution they are interested in buying, connect with the founders personally, and get more information. They can also see live demos of the product that they wouldn’t be able to get otherwise.
Webinars have proven to be the best solution, as it personalizes the buying process. Customers are able to interact with founders on a personal level, have their questions answered in real-time, and get a better understanding of a product they might invest in.
Jeff Lurie, Business Development Manager, Appsumo
The team knew it was the right decision when people started leaving comments saying they made the purchase because of the live webinar and the information they received there.

Webinars as an Essential Part of a Campaign Launch
Currently, AppSumo is being consistent in running six webinars per month. For them, the webinars play an important role in the launch of a new campaign. The day after the email launch announcement goes out to AppSumo’s massive community of over one million subscribers, they run the webinar with the founder of the company that provides the offer.
By now, AppSumo’s audience is accustomed to it, so they expect the webinars to happen. The average attendance rate is over 50%!
Additionally, it brings extra value to Appsumo’s partners, as they are able to receive direct, immediate feedback about their offer and services, which is priceless. These webinars are mostly AMA (ask-me-anything) types of presentations and product walkthroughs. The ultimate goal is always to give as much information as possible to the audience and address any potential objections.
It is another channel for us to engage with our audience on a level we had not explored before.
Jeff Lurie, Business Development Manager, Appsumo
Finding the Perfect Solution
The AppSumo team knew they needed a special solution to run their webinars. Naturally, it had to be stable and easy for them to run internally. More importantly, it needed to be very simple to grasp right away, as each of their webinars has presenters (their partners) who would have never used that webinar platform before. Of course, it also had to be a great experience for their audience.
After going through a few platforms, they decided on Demio and got their first webinar set up right away. Nowadays, all of AppSumo’s webinar process is set up in Demio, from creating the event and getting the partners in, to marketing the event to their audience. They enjoy the simplicity of the platform and the quality user experience it provides for attendees and presenters alike.
Running regular webinars brings even more value to AppSumo. They have observed increased engagement with their audience, resulting in additional sales. Plus, they are able to offer more value and exposure to their partners, adding even more benefit to the partnership.

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